Rhonda Haskins, CPA,
Chief Financial Officer
2024-2033 Capital Improvement Program
The 2024-2033 CIP includes over $1.7 billion of capital improvements to be completed over the next ten years. These improvements include water and wastewater plant improvements and capacity expansions, system rehabilitations and improvements, continued annexation projects to provide service to areas annexed by the City, continued NCDOT projects to relocate services, AMI meter replacements, electric overhead and underground infrastructure replacements and improvements, substation rebuilds and pole replacements, and facilities improvements.
This comprehensive approach to constructing, extending, replacing, improving, rehabilitating, and upgrading infrastructure contributes to the FPWC being able to deliver safe and reliable electric, water, and wastewater services to its customers now and into the future.
To view the 2024-2033 Capital Improvement Program, please click the following link -